The RIE Approach
The RIE (resources for infants) principles are very important to us. We not only respect infants we value and demonstrate the importance of relationships and interactions between educator and child.
RIE approach encourages the following principles:
Trust in the infants competence
We have trust in the infant to learn what they are ready for. We only provide enough help necessary to allow the child to master their own actions. -
Sensitive observation
We observe carefully to understand the infant’s communication and needs and respect their competence. Infants learn at a rapid speed in their first 2 years of life, we teach less and provide an environment for learning instead. -
Involving the child
It is important that during care activities that we are doing things ‘with’ children and not ‘to’ children (feeding, dressing, blowing nose and changing nappy etc.) We want to encourage babies no matter how big or how small to become active participants rather than a passive recipient. -
A safe, challenging and predictable environment
Our role is to create a safe environment with minimal clutter, beautifully designed for uninterrupted play and freedom for infants to explore. The more predictable the environment the easier it is for them to learn. -
Time for uninterrupted play and freedom to explore
Little nook is designed to encourage infants to explore and move freely, instead of trying to teach new skills, we allow them more time for uninterrupted play and admire what they are actually doing. Never put a baby in a position they cannot get themselves into. -
Our educators will clearly define limits and expectations in a calm and peaceful way, which fosters trust, security and predictability.